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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Laura is now....Motorcycle Ready

After 2-  12 hour grueling days of riding, tests, class work - Laura felt pretty confident on the seat of a motorcycle!  She went from not even knowing how to start the thing-  to not only knowing how to start it, but riding, turning, stopping fast, weaving, and having fun and being safe on a motorcycle!  Not wanting to brag or anything- but from the look of things, Laura was one of the best in the class.   Laura came home day one with a big smile on her face!   On the morning of day 2, Laura felt pretty comfortable and ready to test- she was doing well, passing all the obstacles and drills just fine, she never dropped the bike (which happened SEVERAL times by other classmates) and not stalling the bike tooo often!   The written test was a breeze.  Laura passed with a blowing 97%...  now for the riding test.  At the completion of the test, she got high 5's from the instructors, good jobs from helpers, and was feeling pretty good about her abilities!  Then came the boom.... she was handed her grade sheet...she failed the riding test??? WHAT???  Yep, all the guys that dropped the bikes, stalled the bikes, were literally dangerous on the road ... ALL passed.  Laura and the only guy in the class with prior riding experience (the best in the class...obviously) failed.  Yep.  The two of us.  We were dumbfounded, tired, and NOT HAPPY BOB.  She went home with tears and a deflated spirit.  What came next was a personalized session with the instructor.... Laura and her other "experienced" riding buddy decided to do it together....  When they showed up, they questioned the instructor as to what went wrong the last time around...they were so ready.  He said, "You two were the best in the class...and right there on the last turn, you both crossed a yellow line (a "boundary) in the cornering turn and it caused you both to fail!  Oh good heavens!  During practice - Larua didn't remember them  mentioning the yellow line...all she remembers is slow down - and accelerate through the turn and keep your speed up...stop at the cone.  She did it soooo many times and they never mentioned the line- she must have never gotten close in practice for them to mention it, but then during the test she crossed it....well....for pete's sake.  The individual session went soo well, so smooth, and the evaluation a breeze - both riders got a PERFECT score this, after literally shedding lots of sweat and tears  Laura is now officially ready to ride!  Look out she comes!



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