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Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Backyard B-Line

Detric has an internal alarm that sounds every time the back door is opened.  He just seems to know when the door is wide open or just slightly cracked ... if there is a possibility for him to get out, he B-lines for the door!  This kid LOVES the backyard.  He doesn't care if it is sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, cool, freezing, he just wants to be outside..especially the backyard.  He just lights up when he gets outdoors!  Lucky for us we have had a pretty mild winter so we have been able to play outside quite often!  This little man has such a fun personality...we just love him!  The pictures give you just a little taste of him! 

Unexpected Friends

We found an unexpected, yet pleasant surprise as we went for a little neighborhood walk-a-bout.  Behind our favorite shooting area, lives a horse and a goat pair.  They were just hanging out by the fence waiting for someone to love them...and Love them we did!  They were extremely friendly, and the kids LOVED them.  All the kids enjoyed saying hello to the horse and then the goat, but Preston wouldn't leave the horses side!  We had to literally PEEL him away after several minutes... and even then he talked about coming back and sleeping with his new found friend.  (Which we really don't think will happen any time soon!  We are still having problems adjusting to sleeping in a room by ourselves!  Let alone, outside in the cold & dark with a horse!)  I do believe we will be making several more visits to see our new found friends.


Shooters Extraordinaire

We have the perfect combination here in New that like to shoot, BB guns, BBs, an open field behind our house, and sunny days..... what more do you need to have a little fun and exploration!  After we were done shooting our creative targets for the day...paper drawings and an old bucket full of water... we met some unexpected friends around the corner! (see next blog post to meet them!)

Wreaths and Hats...what a combo

Laura has been busy with extracurricular activities....Being a Mom of 4 kids is SUPER busy, but I guess everyone finds time here and there for what they LOVE, and let me tell you...Laura gets pretty gitty when there is a project to be done, especially when it involves crafts and creativitiy!  Her current project/ LOVES are:   Project #1- a new wreath, was inspired by the 90% off sale at Hobby Lobby.  As Laura and her mother-in-law, Amy, browsed they came across the holiday isle that was now 90% off....hmm...anything good?  Laura has been wanting a red berry wreath for the when she saw this garland that was 90% off and a hideous wreath, she thought with a little dismantling of both and then reassembling, the two might end up a winner!  Well, Laura loves the finished wreath  There was just one is too big for the front won't fit in between the door and the glass screen she had to find a different home for it...not too worry (there is a window in the nook that was a perfect fit!).  Project #2: crochet hats & flowers - inspired when she found out that her friend Jenny Hickman knew how to make them.  Hmmm...Laura thought, it has only been say 8 + years or so since I crocheted....could I do it again?  Can I resurrect a dead talent?  The answer is an astounding YES!!! She can!!! She has now made 4 hats, numerous flowers, and has plans for many more.. she just can't seem to stop!  It is VERY addicting...Beware!  They are perfect for a busy mama who doesn't have time to do her hair every day...just pull on a hat and waalaa you are cute!  Works great!