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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wreaths and Hats...what a combo

Laura has been busy with extracurricular activities....Being a Mom of 4 kids is SUPER busy, but I guess everyone finds time here and there for what they LOVE, and let me tell you...Laura gets pretty gitty when there is a project to be done, especially when it involves crafts and creativitiy!  Her current project/ LOVES are:   Project #1- a new wreath, was inspired by the 90% off sale at Hobby Lobby.  As Laura and her mother-in-law, Amy, browsed they came across the holiday isle that was now 90% off....hmm...anything good?  Laura has been wanting a red berry wreath for the when she saw this garland that was 90% off and a hideous wreath, she thought with a little dismantling of both and then reassembling, the two might end up a winner!  Well, Laura loves the finished wreath  There was just one is too big for the front won't fit in between the door and the glass screen she had to find a different home for it...not too worry (there is a window in the nook that was a perfect fit!).  Project #2: crochet hats & flowers - inspired when she found out that her friend Jenny Hickman knew how to make them.  Hmmm...Laura thought, it has only been say 8 + years or so since I crocheted....could I do it again?  Can I resurrect a dead talent?  The answer is an astounding YES!!! She can!!! She has now made 4 hats, numerous flowers, and has plans for many more.. she just can't seem to stop!  It is VERY addicting...Beware!  They are perfect for a busy mama who doesn't have time to do her hair every day...just pull on a hat and waalaa you are cute!  Works great! 

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