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Friday, August 23, 2013

Gettin' Cool in the Pool

Nothing feels better than hopping in a cool pool after a hot hike…awe.  Heaven.  We swam, jumped off the diving board, and played a colors tag game (everyone lines up on the side of the pool,  the person who is “it” gets out and stands with their back to everyone.  Everyone in the pool thinks of a color.  The person who is “it” starts to call out colors.  As soon as your color is called you have to start swimming across the pool.  If the person hears you or thinks you are swimming, they turn around and come after you.  If you get caught, you are “It”. ) Clay and Laura had fun switching off holding Detric and playing colors.  It was really fun, but got really exhausting too!  We stayed until we were all terribly pruny – and then we just HAD to stop at the snack bar for a little treat on the way home!


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