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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sea World - The Shows

It was warm, but not too hot; slight breeze, but not windy... perfect weather for a day at Sea World!  We caught 3 shows during the day:  The Classic Shamu Show, The dolphin and acrobats Show; and Sesame Street live.  The kids loved watching the different whales and dolphins jump and do tricks...but the thing that caught the kids attention the most was when the trainers would feed them whole fish - and several at a time!  They thought that was the neatest thing ever!  Aparri loved the flying acrobat.  Preston loved the killer whales (hence the reason he ended up picking the killer whale toy in the end!).  CJ liked the Shamu show and watching the acrobats dive off the high dive into the pool.  Clay liked watching the trainers being pushed by their feet through the water by the dolphins.  Laura enjoyed seeing Shamu up close after the show in the underwater tank.  Little Detric slept through most of the shows, which made for easy watching for the rest of us!

We were smart enough to sit close enough to have a good view, but high enough to stay wet through the spashes!  We knew we didn't want wet kids right from the beginning - we would never hear the end of it!  As you will see, they did eventually get wet, but not until the LAST ride of the day - and yes, it was "I am all wet.  I want to be dry.  I am cold" all the way to the car! 

The Sesame Street live show was short and sweet...which is good for kids' attention spans!  Bert and Ernie were a fun crew to meet!  Ernie like Aparri's pony tail! 

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