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Monday, October 13, 2014

Free Fun with Friends

We LOVE corn mazes and we LOVE them even more when they are FREE!  The free day kept getting postponed weekend after weekend because of the rain and we kept promising the kids to go...and so when it finally did open, it was the craziest day- lots going game, emergency preparedness fair (where Laura taught how to make homemade bread), Relief Society dinner and broadcast (Laura made café rio style rice), and in between all the activities, we also managed to go to St. Bernard Farms for the free corn maze!  No, we aren't crazy and don't normally intentionally schedule all those things on the same just kind of happened - the result of a whole string of  an unexpected series of do you do?  Just roll with it, or in this case RUN with it. Literally!  We RAN from one thing to the other ALL DAY LONG.  But, as you can see - it was full of all good things!  Just as we pulled into the corn maze one of our family friends also pulled into the maze.  It worked out perfectly!  We got to enjoy the festivities and with friends!  The Lucero Family were the perfect St. Bernard buddies.  All the kids had an exploring buddy (CJ and Sierra), a get lost with buddy (Preston and James), or a lets stay by mom and dad buddy (Aparri and Isaiah).... We had fun with the maze, the balloon launcher, the peddle go carts, and of course - the chicken show.  In the maze - Laura and Shelley were getting really frustrated because they handed us a map, but it didn't mark where the number locators were...what good is a map unless it tells you where you need to go?  DUMB!  So at the end of the maze we finally see a worker and ask why have a map with no markers on it to tell us where the destinations were....she then states, "Oh, some maps have the markers on it and some don't.  You got one without!"  Well, golly sakes people - maybe you should ask people what type of map they want at the BEGINNING of the maze and not the END...useless.... We had fun anyway - with or without the map!  I guess we have just a good sense of direction - or Clayboy does anyway, he lead us and the kids through!  Poor Detric in all the chaos of the day didn't get a nap and he zonked out 1/2 way though the maze and he was OUT.  But, it was a short lived nap, because as soon as we got to the peddle carts he was up and riding those bad boys!  Clay became the human bus and Laura and Shelley had a mama's race around the track!  Whew what a work out, feel the burn!  We need to get one of the those at home !

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