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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tacos for Thanksgiving!

Our parents were a little surprised when they called to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving, and CJ told them that we had TACOS for dinner!  What???? No turkey? No mashed potatoes?  No pretzel jello? Starting a new tradition?  (no...Clay would never go for that!  He loves his turkey too much!) However, with Clay having to work, Laura having low energy from getting over a nasty sinus infection, Scott, our guest, coming down with food poisoning, and Megan, his wife, up all night nervous that the holiday would be spoiled.....There was way tooo much happening at the Ward house on Thursday, to do any sort of Thanksgiving DAY, we decided to postpone our celebration to Friday!  Thursday was spent recuperating, playing, catching up with old friends, watching movies, playing games, cooking, relaxing, and eating tacos!    Poor Scott slept the whole day...that turkey food poisoning can really get ya!  To add to the killer, it was even his birthday....we did manage and sing happy birthday to him Thursday night over a candle lit wasn't his favorite (pumpkin pie)...he wanted to wait and savor THAT on Friday. 

It was a shame that so much sickness was in the house, but we all were good sports and made the most of the situation!  By Friday, we were all MUCH better, had WAY more energy, and enjoyed all the yummy food even more! 

1 comment:

  1. We military families are nothing if not flexible!! Love all the pictures, wish we could have been there to give you all hugs!! The kids are all getting so BIG!!
