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Friday, December 20, 2013

Grandma Smith's 90th Birthday Party

 Grandma Marian Smith turns 90 this February 9th, 2014.  However, several of us live far away and will be unable to come back and celebrate in February with her.  So, we decided to have a birthday party for her while everyone was together!  It was so fun seeing Grandma and celebrating her life!  We sang her 2 favorite primary songs:  I am a Child of God and Teach me to Walk in the Light.  Then we played a game where Grandma alternated with us answering questions about ourselves.  Then, we had...Grandma's favorite dessert...Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting.  Clay and Laura got Grandma a pair of sky blue sparkly slippers that she can wear....she is always complaining that her feet are cold and she loves to see blue we thought the two together were perfect.  As a family, we gave Grandma a binder that was filled with cards/ writings/ drawings from each family member.  



Marian C. Smith

by:    Laura Ward
Pink – whenever I see the color pink, I think of Grandma.  She has always said that she loves pink.  Pinkalicious!

Anne of Green Gables – Grandma LOVES Anne, Gilbert, Diana, Matthew, and Marilla Cuthbert .  She has always talked about wanting to take a trip to Prince Edwards Island to see where they filmed the movie.

Books – She shared her love of reading with us.  Grandma had lots of books at her house and let would let us borrow them.  We were always excited to pick another great book to borrow when we went to her house.  She always had the greatest selection.

Shirley Temple – I think Grandma had the whole collection of Shirley Temple movies.  When we would visit her house as kids, we would watch Shirley temple!

Lawrence Welk – We often heard about Lawrence Welk.  Oh, how she loved it!  We would try and sit through a program and let her watch it!  She knew all the men and ladies’ names that performed.

Mark Eubanks – Grandma always had a secret crush on the weatherman…Mark Eubanks!

Funny Grandma – Whenever Grandma would make us laugh we would say, “You are so Funny Grandma” and she would always respond without fail, “Funny HaHa, Funny Queer?”  To this day.. I can’t hear the phrase, “That is so funny” without thinking about Grandma and hearing the words, “Funny HaHa, Funny Queer” in my mind.  Grandma, I think of you often!


She Loves Lotion- Grandma loves smelly lotion and having her feet rubbed.  I can remember talking with Grandma, watching movies, and rubbing Grandma’s feet with lotion.

Childhood Stories – Grandma has an amazing memory.  I would love to hear stories about her childhood.  I would love to hear how she would sneak out and go dancing, how rebellious her and Margie were, how hard they had to work, the difficulties of being raised without a mother, stories of how she met Grandpa, and her mission to West Virginia.

My House Guest – She finally did it!  She finally came to my house to visit!  I was so excited when Grandma agreed to come to our house in Las Vegas.  We had so much fun making Macaroni and cheese, baking cupcakes, talking, watching movies, going on walks, chatting in the car, watching her interact and be silly with my kids, helping me with parenting advice, and just being a friend for a few days.

Adjustable Beds – It was sooo much fun sleeping at Grandma’s House on 45th South.  I can remember, Grandma had the adjustable beds, so we would put our backs up to watch tv, put our feet up in the perfect positions, and be perfectly comfortable while watching Shirley Temple!  As a college student, I would come up and sleep over with Grandma occasionally.

JOBS – Grandma is an extremely hard worker.  She is amazing at ironing- which she claims she got from working in the Salt Lake Temple laundry. Grandma always spoke fondly of the years that she worked in the temple.  Grandma is a good cook.  She makes amazing bread.  This she claims is from the years she worked in the bakery. 

Twin – Grandma is a twin.  It was always fun to tell people that my Grandma is a twin.  The stories about the trouble that those two got into when they were kids were always fun to hear.

Crossing Toes- watch out for Grandma.  Growing up, she didn’t need to cross her fingers for good luck, she always had her toes crossed.  The doctors messed up her feet in surgery when they tried to correct her bunions.  She has since had numerous surgeries to help correct them, but growing up, I remember her crossed toes.

Misses Grandpa – Grandma misses Grandpa terribly.  She has always said that she is ready to go and be with him.  When we tell Grandma that she can’t die yet, she has to be at some major life event in the future, her response is always the same… “Don’t worry.  I will be there, just watching you from up there (and she would point up) with Grandpa.” 

Holding Hands - Grandma loves to hold hands.  If you are lucky enough to walk beside Grandma, she will grab your hand and hold it as you walk.  I always loved it when it was my turn to walk beside her.

How Great Thou Art – I am not sure if Grandma likes this song because she just likes it, or if she likes it because my Grandpa liked it and therefore it reminds her of him.  Either way…Grandma loved to hear the song, How Great Thou Art.

Foods – When I think of shrimp cocktail or spinach dip…. I think of Grandma.

Excedrin – Grandma is not on very many meds that I can think of, if any…except one….Excedrin.  She is religious about taking her Excedrin.  If she has a pain…Excedrin…a head ache…Excedrin… the two go hand in hand…Grandma and Excedrin!

February 9, 2013 - Happy 90th Birthday Grandma.  I love you.  I have so many wonderful memories with you.  I miss you always.



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