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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Smiley Creek

This is the REAL Smiley Creek!  Last year, I mistaking labeled our camping spot as Smiley Creek, but it was not that was Trail Creek.  THIS is Smiley Creek!!!  We had a great time camping in the woods with family for 3 days.  We played in the creek, hiked, fished, saw a beaver, saw a landslide that crushed a tree, ate smores, and enjoyed the fresh air.  Stan built his famous "Biffy"..aka camping toilet! (It is luxury...really.  He has this down to an art!) It was a where's Waldo...or where's the John in the woods! Privacy is great, but we also need to be able to find the thing when we need it!  Took Laura several minutes to find it.... good thing it wasn't tooo urgent!  Camping with a baby isn't the easiest task in the Laura was grateful for the generosity of Stan and Amy who let her and Erica crash their pad and sleep with them in the trailer!  That is so much easier and manageable with a baby! THANK YOU!!! Clay held the fort down in the tent with the other kiddos!

and there is the GLOVE!!! He's got it!

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