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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Detric Became a Man...AGAIN

There are certain things in life that should only have to be done once.  That being said....Clay and Laura were faced with a tough choice....

Detric is their third son, and that being the case, they had been through the circumcision process twice already with their other sons.  After a few weeks, they knew something wasn't done correctly with Detric.  So what do we do?    Well, no one wants to cause undo pain for their child...but no parent wants an older boy to have to go through that type of procedure for the sake of the greater good we decided to go forward with some type of correction.  So we went to the doctors.  We were told by several doctors that the initial procedure was done correctly, but the doctor just decided to be "conservative."  Clay and Laura were then instructed to do nothing and wait and see.... the problem should probably fix itself during puberty.  WHAT???SHOULD/ PROBABLY fix itself??? Well, That is convincing! Clay and Laura decided that was the most ridiculous diagnoses they had ever heard....wait until your son is 16 - fix it then...yeah, GREAT plan!  NOT.  So, Laura and Clay were very persistent.  After 3 doctors telling us to do nothing, we finally got a referral to a pediatric urologist.  We got a great specialist, Dr. Andrew Hwang, who knew exactly what he was doing and told us within seconds of being in his office that our little man's initial circumcision was NOT done correctly and then proceeded to tell us exactly what would need to be done to correct it.  Part of the corrective procedure was surgery, which would now include general anesthesia in the downtown hospital.

The general anesthesia was the scariest/hardest part of the whole thing for Laura to endure.  You hear about all the scary things that could potentially go wrong and they just swim in your head and take over your thoughts.  Here she was handing over her precious little baby into the hands of strangers (who literally held his life in their hands).  Laura spent the whole time, from the moment she handed him over, to the moment they came and got her, praying that the health care team were competent, and that all would go well.

The hardest part on Detric, was not being able to eat ANYTHING several hours before the procedure.  He was sooo hungry!  And then not being able to go in the pool for several weeks after and in Vegas that is a really HARD thing because it is soooo hot and we live at the pool!  But, Laura would sit on the side of the pool, let Detric dangle his feet in the water, while she would spritzing him with a water bottle to keep cool!  Detric was such a brave little man and quite the trooper.  He healed quickly and nicely. 

What a man....a REAL MAN for having to go through that twice.  That which should only be required of you once~!

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