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Sunday, September 1, 2013

In Transit.....

Well folks...This is the close of the Ward Family Vegas Chapter, it is time to say goodbye to Las Vegas.  Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we will be moving to New Mexico.  We can never believe the incredible about of packing material it takes to move a family.... and every time we move, we stay, "we need to take a picture of the boxes when we move - and then the unpacking chaos on the other end."  However, it is yet to happen.  Maybe this will be the time!  With cameras on our phones now, we just MAY get a good shot during the packing/ unpacking chaos. No promises, but we shall see.  See you on the other end!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing isn't it? I'm ALWAYS shocked by how many boxes we fill. Good luck with the move!
