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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Load it up....and take it away!

 It is so weird to see all your stuff in boxes,  loaded up on a truck, and then driven off.... hoping you see it on the other end!  This move was exhausting!!!!  We had a few little hiccups, but luckily because Laura is so detail oriented, it all came out ok!  We had packers for 2 days...the first day was a joke - they were only there for 4 hours and got 2 rooms done...the second day was a FULL day...9+ hours.  Everyone was done by the end of that second day, but oh no... Laura still had to check the boxes...and wouldn't you know it - at least 1/2 of the boxes didn't have our name on it (so Laura took a sharpie and did it herself!), she found several (about 10) boxes that weren't inventoried at ALL... and then another few that weren't inventoried or labeled...hmmm.. a little fishy??  Then, on the day the loaders were scheduled to come, the packers and their company showed up unannounced and said that they were going to load our stuff into their truck and then the drivers would get it from their warehouse....hmm...again fishy.  Doubly fishy since we had already been in contact with our driver and we knew that they were on their way....and yep, within 10 minutes, we had 2 moving trucks, 2 crews, and 2 companies fighting for our stuff...well, we don't know if he had any say or not, but we were not very anxious to let the packing company...that had made so many "errors" the day before pack up our things.  We were relieved when Justin and his crew from Southern Nevada Movers demanded and kept our shipment.  They were amazing.  They took great care with our things, did everything that they could to make us happy.

Both packers and movers kept saying, " have a lot of stuff"  "Wow, you guys have a lot of stuff"  "Wow...." yeah..we get it..we have a lot of stuff!  Laura didn't really get it until Justin the driver, pretty much told her that if she doesn't get rid of some big items, they were going to be over or extremely close to the weight limit.  One guy that Justin knew was 2,000 lbs over and had to pay several thousand dollars.  Well, that struck a chord with Laura's finance mind...and got her moving and pitching quickly.  We made some last minute executive decisions about what goes and what gets left behind....luckily, at the end of the day, we were right on the money with our weight...whew.  Thanks Justin.  You were great to work with and helped us not go over our weight allowance!  He even let Preston drive the truck when it was all loaded and ready to go.  In addition, Justin worked it out so we could have a door to door delivery with our stuff, which meant it was stored for a few extra days on his truck....thanks Justin, we really owe you big time!  We will definitely remember JUSTIN from Southern Nevada Movers....amazing. (in today's world, customer service is everything.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad it worked out! We've had one group of AWESOME movers; the rest have been okay. Nothing quite as crazy as yours!!
