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Monday, May 20, 2013

MISTER Francis NutterButter

 After watching "Wreck-it Ralph" Preston loves Francis Nutterbutter.  And NO matter what Mom and Dad say or how many times we say it...according to Preston, Francis Nutterbutter is a BOY.... and Preston can tell you why.  #1- because HE is Preston's favorite, #2 - HE doesnt' have eye lashes.  #3 - HE is wearing pants (not a skirt) and #4 - he thinks the voice sounds like a boy.  So there you go!  Preston even said, "When I get older I am going to change my name to Francis."  He thought that was sooo FUNNY!  Then he ended his comment with, "I am going to play a trick on my wife and tell her my name is Francis.  That way she will never know I am really Preston!"  He then proceeds to laugh at his little scheme...hilarious!

Preston was sooo excited to try and make some HOMEMADE peanut butter cups!  He knew what ingredients he wanted to use and all...(and honestly..they were pretty accurate), however, in the end, Mom helped supervise and oversee quantities of ingredients added.  When the balls were all done, Preston climbed up on the counter, got out the cupcake liners and cut out liners for his nutterbutter balls!  With Preston, there is attention to every detail and he has the idea and know how to do it.  Good job Preston - your nutterbutters turned out really good!  When they were done and the kids had each partaken of the peanut butter cups, Preston told Laura, he wants to go sell the leftovers to the neighbors!  Nutterbutter Balls, Anyone?  They only sell for about 100 dollars each!

Here is a picture of Preston's completed peanut butter cup..they turned out perfect!  Good job our little chef!

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