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Monday, September 7, 2015

Trailcreek- Ward Family Reunion in the Woods

Up in the back woods of Idaho, where the air is fresh, the grass is green, the water is cool and clear, the Ward Clan Gathered and spent 3 days camping, hiking, fishing, four-wheeling, and being silly together!  It was fun being with everyone and since we are a loud, wild crew- it's a good thing we were in a nice secluded spot where we could be ourselves and not worry about disturbing others (well...except for the wild wolves we heard the first night!!!!)- - we were all sitting around the camp fire when we heard this loud and distinct "wolf call".  We all froze.  The adults listened.  The kids freaked out. After a few minutes we realized these "wolves" were "man made" by other campers!  After we discovered our wolf friends, we had a great time making our own wolf calls as we called back and forth through the night air! 

Todd and Joslyn Summers Family.  (Josh, Kelly, Kastin, Joslyn, Todd)

Trevor and Leslie Rands Family (Leslie, Maydin, Gavin, Rhein, Ash, Kage, and Bella)

Johnny and Janie Sudik Family (Janie, Johnny, Luke, and Bryce)

Clay and Laura Ward Family (Clay, Laura, Preston, CJ, Aparri, and Detric)

                                                           Our campsite on the hill!!!

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