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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cloudcroft Camping

We decided that we would try and go camping as many times as we could this summer.  We didn't make it camping in New Mexico as a family at all last summer, so we wanted to be sure and rectify that situation and get several trips in this summer!  Now...the decision of where to go?  We finally decided to head south by Ruidoso.  Clay and Preston had attempted to camp in April (but got snowed out), so we decided to try again at the same place.  As we made the final preparations for the trip,  Laura started asking questions of the camp ground.  L:  So, we are going to a campground, right?  C:  Yeah, there is designated spots to camp. L: Is there a water resource?  C: No.  L: Is there a picnic table?  C: No.  L: Are there bathrooms?  C: No.  L:  Oh, boy...we are really roughing it, in the middle of no where...its not just off the side of the road, right?  It is ok to camp there?  C:  Yes!  Of course.  After that conversation, Laura decided to pack a little differently!  More TP, More water!  I won't lie, Laura was a little nervous, but it ended up being perfect!  Our little family isn't the quietest of when it came time for bed - there was a lot of noise and crying going on (Detric wasn't sure what was going on, this was his first tent camping exposure.)  He kept crying and grabbing Laura's face and saying "HOME" "HOME"  Clay and Laura couldn't help but laugh at the situation!  Clay made the comment, "I don't think we are ready for socialized camping"  Laura knew exactly what he meant.  If we had neighbors or anyone camping remotely close to us, they would be SOO mad because of thier noisy neighbors.  Thank goodness the only ones we were worried about distrubing were the bears and wildlife (and honestly...if we distrurbed them - good.  They knew we were there and wouldn't come a lookin'.




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