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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Small town Zoo

We love the zoo here in Clovis!  It has some amazing animals!  It has a few hyenas that are always awake, a tiger that comes right out to the fence (and you are literally 6 ft. from a roaming tiger that is just separated by a chain link fence...quite a thrill really!), 2 giraffes that also meet you at the fence and if you are and have a special conversation!, some bison, lots of monkeys, a reptile house (that had a komodo dragon that scared the pants off the kids!  It jumped at the glass and made a big bang.  The kids couldn't get out of the reptile house fast enough.  It was hilarious) , a few birds (one talks back to you (sometimes) in a deep manly voice), some alligators, and several more!  For such a small town...we were quite impressed.  We heard a rumor that their used to be a circus in town, when it shut down they left the animals and it became the zoo.  We need to check the validity of that, but it makes for a cool story and explains a few of the animals and the shape of their cages!

Both our boys had their first field trips EVER!  Yep, they never had one in Texas or Vegas, so they were quite excited.  Preston was a little nervous.  (After his incident at Childrens Day Spokane when he was a little tyke, he has never been the same when it comes to crowds or going places without Mom or Dad (and honestly, Mom isn't the same either!)  So, when Preston said he wouldn't go on the field trip unless Mom came, Laura thought it sounded like a great excuse to go to the zoo!  It is about 2 miles to the zoo...and guess what, the kids WALKED there!  I couldn't believe it when I read it on the paper, really?? walk?? ok!  What an adventure!  Since the kids were walking to their field trip to the zoo,  Laura and the 2 younger kids were lucky enough to accompany both classes to the zoo.  They walked there and back with the kids.  It was such a great experience.  The whole time they were walking on the side of the road, Laura kept saying to herself, "Only in a small town, only in a small town!"  We love it here!


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