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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Our 1st Renovation .....

We have been married for almost 12 years now and have endured 9 moves, 4 kids, 5 deployments, buying our first house, and now we add endure a renovation to our list!  Yes, folks....the joy of buying a house means we can DO WHATEVER WE WANT TO IT!!!!  So with that freedom, we have put new countertops throughout the house!  The original countertops were tile and after having lived in the house for about 7 months....Laura was DONE cleaning those tiles!!! So...Clay and Laura started the Ward House 2014 Renovation Project:  Granite Countertops!!!  Here are some of the before / after/ during pictures that were taken.  We are still completing the finishing touches...but we have had lots of requests for here ya go!  Feast your eyes!

Kitchen BEFORE:

Kitchen AFTER: 

Master Bathroom BEFORE: 

Master Bathroom AFTER: 

Kids Bathroom BEFORE:

Kids Bathroom AFTER:

Guest Bathroom BEFORE:

Guest Bathroom AFTER: 

Laundry Room BEFORE:

Laundry Room AFTER:

Preston Gives the House a BIG Thumbs up!!!!

And here is a little taste of the The in-between chaos! 

The Demolition!!!

below: We raised the low bar as well.  Greg (our custom cabinet man...Trujillo's Custom Cabinets) did an amazing job raising up the bar and matching the color!

We had to live and function in a house that had NO kitchen/ NO bathrooms/ NO laundry room  counters or sinks for 10 days!!!  It was a crazy adventure....Laura was a little more than DONE when day 10 arrived!!! After washing our hands in the 1 available bathtub, spitting in the toilet after we brush our teeth, and not being able to rinse anything off - or use a kitchen sink (especially when Laura spilled a jar of strawberry jam all over herself and the floor!  Yeah, let me tell you what a fun mess that was to clean up without a sink!!  HA!).  Laura was more than happy to see the granite guys pull up in front of the house and install! HAPPY DAY!!


 left: Greg
The Man behind the project: left is Jose.

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