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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Never say NEVER

Both Megan and Laura said, "I will never get that close to a rattlesnake.  People who put them around their necks are CRAZY..." Well, Never say Never People...most of the time you will eat your words.  Both Laura and Megan did when they were both hugged by rattlesnakes!  Honestly people, it is a little weird looking over and seeing the head of a rattlesnakes within inches of your face... Sure didn't seem to phase the boys though...they loved it.  No fear there! Preston was the first to have a turn, then CJ stood with confidence as the snake was placed on his shoulders.  Aparri wasn't going to have anything to do with a snake on her shoulders.. NO Way... she would pet it, and that was good enough for her.   Clay was calm, collected, and not bothered at all by having a killer snake around his neck!  While Clay was having his turn, Megan said, "Laura why don't you go get in the picture with Clay."  "Ok"  So Laura walked over and stood next to Clay.  As she was looking at the camera smiling, the snake guy snuck the snake around and draped it on an unsuspecting Laura.  When  she saw a rattle in her face she totally screamed!  It completely freaked her out, it was great!  Detric wasn't sure what the heck it was and started playing with the rattle.

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