Now that CJ is 8, he is able to participate in cub scouts, and boy is he excited! March 6th was the first day he was eligible to go. CJ was sick through the night, so as parents we didn't know what to do. We decided if he stays home from school, then he stays home from scouts. We let CJ decide. When CJ woke up the morning of the 6th, Laura asked him..."How are you feeling?" "Just ok" was the response. Laura then proceeded to say that whether or not he goes to school is up to him and how he was feeling. Laura could see a little twinkle appear in his eye, as he nestled into the blanket and started watching tv. After a pause, Laura added, "And today is Wednesday. Your first day of scouts. If you stay home from school, you will have to stay home from scouts." With that announcement, CJ's eyes lit right up, he jumped off the bed, and headed straight in his room to get dressed and ready for the day and yelled over his shoulder, "I am feeling fine today, I am going to school" Laura had never seen him so excited about school! Clay just got called to be a scout leader, so they get to go together! That night after scouts, CJ and Clay got chocolate milk shakes on the way home to celebrate! (Side note: Just so you know, Laura did follow CJ into his room and told him that if he got to school and felt sick, he HAD to come home whether or not he wanted to... and he could go to scouts the following week...sometimes things like that just happen. Well, as it turned out -he felt great all day - and didn't show any signs of being sick after that!) The power of scouts!

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