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Monday, April 8, 2013

Our first Mustache March

Clay has never been much of a mustache man. He grew a mustache on one of his deployments, but cut it off the day he got home.  Clay has never participated in mustache March, well, until this year that is!  At the beginning of March, Laura noticed a little something different about Clayboy - a mustache was growing!  Clay thought it would be just a fun thing to do, well, after a few weeks - Clay was done with the facial hair picture...but Laura encouraged him to stick it out to the end of the month!  Well, Clay lasted until the last week of March... when Laura referred to his mustache as a "caterpillar"... that was it - it was gone that night!  However, before the removal - silliness prevailed!  We took a bunch of fun pictures... Clay even let us (yes, Laura and the kids) create and shave a design into his mustache!  Thanks Clayboy for being such a good sport!  Sure mustache March is fun..but I think both Clay and Laura agree that clean shaven is a much better look and feel for Clayboy!  No more caterpillars.. well, until next year!


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