After we arrived in New Mexico, Julie was able to stay a few days with us! We had fun swimming, going to the zoo, building clay figures, seeing Maleficent in the theatre, staying up late talking, watching movies, and having fun! Julie even volunteered to watch the kids for us one night so Clay and Laura could go on a motorcycle date!! Wow..what a treat for us! We are indebted to you Jewels. Thanks for spending time with us, laughing with us, serving us, and just being you Julie!!! You are lots of fun. Can't wait to see you again.
We had planned on seeing the movie Maleficient when we got to home... while we were driving we saw this rock structure in the distance and swore it looked like Maleficients domain! Crazy!
We met up with several friends at the pool....lots of Julies...Julee Neilsen, Julie Gragg...we love you both!