Preston my budding little artist, loves to draw! He can sit and make books for hours. His masterpieces have such detail and skill that I hate to throw them away, but I didn't know what to do with all his creativeness. Then, one day Preston starts wanting to mail his art to people. So he would use my envelopes (until we caught him and put a stop to it!) and just draw on a stamp (until he was told that wouldn't go anywhere unless he had a real stamp.) Well, he started getting into the real stamps...yeah, that didn't go over very well. So he was back to drawing on the stamp, but he was frustrated because he knew that his art wouldn't go anywhere! Then, one day, I had a stroke of genius. Yes, I am very proud of this....and I do think it is ingenious, I noticed that we were constantly getting bombarded with credit card companies, banks, magazine companies, etc. all wanting us to subscribe to their company - and they would enclose a "No postage necessary" envelope in their offer. Waalaa... we put the "Free Mailing" envelope and Preston's artwork together. Now, some random people at these companies will get to enjoy Preston's art work and hopefully have a little more cheerful day. Preston is happy because his artwork gets mailed. Mom and Dad are happy because he is not using our envelopes and stamps to mail them - Brilliant!!
