It doesn't happen often...but every once in a while...a miracle occurs. Everyone... I mean EVERYONE - all parents, kids, spouses, grand kids, in-laws, babies, teenagers, EVERYONE was together for about 20 minutes so we could snap a family picture!!! We were so excited to finally have everyone together.
When the pictures came back, we were looking through them...and wouldn't you know it...we have a the picture of Stan and Amy and all the grand kids...ONE OF OURS is MISSING...what??? It was a where's waldo for several can this be?? There is even a space for him......he has to be there can he not be there..where would he go? EVERY OTHER PERSON IS THERE..but not...CJ. Oh my goodness. After all that coordinating getting everyone there and one of OURS is absent from the picture...sheesh. I'm thinking we need a photoshop expert to help us out here and photoshop that boy in there...that's ridiculous...

Stan and Amy
Clay, Joslyn, Janie, Leslie
Stan and Amy
Todd and Joslyn Summers Family
Trevor and Leslie Rands Family
Johnny and Janie Sudik Family
Clay and Laura Ward Family
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