When Laura asked Detric what treat he wanted to bring to his preschool class for his birthday, the man didn't hesitate...he knew exactly what he wanted to bring...cookies, eggnog and chocolate milk! HIS FAVORITES! His teachers couldn't believe that he picked out eggnog! Oh yes, this littleman loves his "new milk".
For his birthday...Detric got Breakfast in Bed - pancakes with butter and sugar, eggnog, and a danimal (liquid yogurt)...Detric loves the stuff... then for lunch - we headed to McDonalds for hours where we ate, played and had ice cream with buddies! We then finished the night off with presents and a lightening McQueen cake...the perfect birthday for a 4 year old! Detric was in heaven! Ever since his birthday he has been asking us "Am I 5 yet?" No sweetheart, not yet...you have to enjoy being 4 first!!! Crazy kid!

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