Yeah, usually when you say "Family" pet it means everyone in the family likes it and is on board right? Well, not in this household! While Laura was gone, the boys (meaning - Clay, CJ, Preston) and Aparri found a snake in the backyard and decided to keep it as a pet! HA....the second Laura heard the words, "Hey Mom, we found a snake in the backyard and we want to keep it in a tank in our room. We even went to the pet store and looked at tanks and everything, but Dad said we had to ask you first." the mood on the phone changed from "Hey, How are ya..." to WHAT?!!***@##$$$ A snake? You have got to be kidding me! There are very few pets that Laura would ever allow or even consider to dwell in her house.... and a snake is definitely NOT one of them! The answer was a definitive NO and not changing no matter how much begging and pleading happened on the other end of that phone. Laura got Clay quickly back on the phone and asked, "WHAT??? On earth is going on over there while I am gone? I sure hope there is not a snake in the house, I will NOT be happy!" Clay reassured Laura the snake was never in the house, the garage maybe, but not the house! As calmly as she could, with the thought of snakes on her mind, Laura asked that the whole matter, snake gone and everything, be done by the time she got home.
The following weekend, after everyone was reunited and back home safe and sound - the snake gone, whew...thank goodness... we started doing yard work. Laura was in the backyard playing with Detric, CJ was mowing the lawn (new found chore that he enjoys because he gets $5), Preston was helping do this and that, Clay was weed whacking, Aparri was jumping on the trampoline...a happy, normal Saturday morning. Well, Clay calls Laura over to see she stands next to Clay and asks, "What's up?" He just her eyes focused on the lawn....she saw IT. She screamed and backed up...THE SNAKE. "I thought you got rid of it..." Was all she could say. "We did, we let him go" was the reply. "You let him "go" in the backyard? You couldn't have gotten a little further away from the house?" Well, that was the start of the snake discussion. As we were discussing the kids rush over to see him, were excited and want to keep him. As we "discuss" what to do ...the snake slithers into the utility cover on the ground, we lift the cover and there he is nice and cozy.... well, Laura eventually lost the battle. He is OUTSIDE in the utility box, not bothering anyone and now a permanent part of the long as he stays in his little box, doesn't come near her - she is fine. The kids check on him weekly to make sure he is still in there. They are still debating on a name. They haven't been able to agree yet! Heaven help us if that snake gets too close to the house...Laura will die.

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