With a new baby, Laura was a little nervous about summer…. 5 kids all day every day at home!! Holy Moley! But we started the summer with some organization and it turned out fantastic! Each kid got their own folder. On the front we stapled a TO DO list. Get dressed, make your bed, eat breakfast, clean your room, 1 chore a day, 1 homework sheet a day, 1 scout requirement/ piano practice, and read (scriptures and a book). When they finished their TO DO list, they had the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted! Some days it took the kids ALL day to complete their lists and other days they were done quickly and we had the rest of the day to play. On the days we played- we usually ended up at the pool or skating rink! On the last day of school, the kids were supposed to get a free skating pass from their teachers for the local skating rink… well, Preston didn’t get his, so Laura stopped by in the afternoon after everyone had gone home and asked his teacher about the missing ticket…she had completely forgotten to had them out so she had just thrown them away. So, she got them out of the trash and handed them ALL to Laura! Score!!!! Free skating all summer long…whooohoo!!! And skate we did!!! I think we went atleast 3 times!!! FOR FREE!!

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