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Thursday, August 20, 2015

4th of July BASH


Our friends, the Holman Family, were gracious enought to invited us to their annual fourth of July pool, bouncy house, dinner, and firework party!  It was soooo much fun.  There was food galore, friends everywhere, things to do, people to talk to and fun to be had all night long!  Clay kept the kids entertained by throwing them around the pool, Detric only lasted a few minutes in the pool and then he was Laura's companion as we talked and socialized.  Then Detric and his little buddy discovered the bounce houses and cupcakes!   It was the party of the year!  The kids were good to go all night long.  They didn't slow down at all!  I think Aparri turned into a fish - she was in that pool well into dark and right up to the moment we left!  We left the party around 9:00 pm.  Afterwhich, we headed over to the Hickman family, who had to leave early from the party (they have a brand new baby) and so we decided to save our fireworks and shoot them off with them.  So, the Hickmans, Yates, and Ward families had a firework party at the Hickman's until about 10.  The boys had a great time shooting off all the fireworks - I swear they are all pyros...from Clay, Jared, and Dave on down to the male kids who would laugh and grin as the exposions went off!  The women sat back and watched the show and prayed that no one would lose an eye, finger, or anything else during the manly fun!  When fireworks were all gone, the boys were sad, but exhaustion finally won out and it was time to head home.  Happy fourth everyone!! 



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