The 4 crazy ladies that made it to the race were: Brindee Loveless, Laura Ward, Julee Nielsen, and Rachel Waddell. We had a great ladies weekend in Albuquerque where we went out to eat, tried to scope out the race course, talked, laughed, raced, and recovered in the hot tub.

Laura ran the first 7 miles with Julee and then both decided to listen to music and run on our own... however Laura's bluetooth headphones wouldn't work...NONONO!!!! Laura was soooo MAD, she had to run the remaining 6.1 miles with no buddy, no music, nothing but her thoughts...oh heaven help her. It was HARD....finally at mile 11 Laura called Clay desperate for help to get her some music, but that didn't work either....so Laura did one step in front of the other and finished that race triumphant! Whoo. Next time - she is definitely not going cordless for the race- going old school but reliable with the good old ear buds! Live and learn....
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