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Sunday, July 5, 2015


At the beginning of the summer, we sat down as a family and decided what were some things we wanted to do as a family this summer.  We made a list of activities that included fishing, camping, going to Disneyland, going to Grandparents, seeing cousins, going to the "x" games, swimming, playing with friends, etc.  We have been able to fulfill or do a comparable activity for all requests - now that is pretty good!  We have gone camping several times, gone fishing, we aren't going to make it to Disneyland this year - but we have Lagoon scheduled later this summer, we are also going to see Grandparents, cousins, and other family too at the end of the month!  We go swimming several times a week, and see friends nearly daily!  Now for the "x" games request....we looked it up, and the closest "x" games was in Texas - about 8 hours away....Clay and Laura didn't know how we were going to fulfill that Preston wish....and Preston was pretty excited and talked about it constantly.  Well, wouldn't you know it...a day after we made the list, Laura and the kids were driving through town and on the side of the road was a small yellow sign that said Motorcross was coming to Clovis!!! No way!!! Shabam...that was perfect.  Laura had CJ lean out the window and take a picture of the sign and as a family we made a commitment to go!!!  Well, the day for the motorcross show came - the Ward Crew all dressed in their motorcycle shirts and off to the fairgrounds we went!  It was sooo much fun watching the races and stunts!  They had 4 year old racers and professional racers...male and female racers...motorcycle and four wheeler races.  The show was VERY entertaining!  It started at 7:30pm and we stayed until 10:00pm and then we finally had to bail...the younger kids were falling asleep!  Fun times at the races!  Thanks for the request Preston!


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