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Monday, December 8, 2014

Rolling into Friday Night

We spent a fun Friday night at the roller rink with our good friends the Nielsen family!  We skated and rocked out to the tunes as we rolled along through the night.  CJ decided to spend the evening with a friend (so he was missed), but the other 3 Ward kids skated- Detric's first time!  He loved it and did really well.  Aparri and Preston just keep getting better and better!  After about an hour and a half of skating, most of the members of the party were done- however, there were a few diehards in the group who stayed late (namely...Laura, Julee and Preston!)  The men and the rest of the kids headed off to the Ward Chateau where Chocolate milk shakes were made and served!  This arrangement made everyone happy!  Boys with shakes and The girls skating their hearts out at the rink - working on those blisters! Laura was able to have a little mini date with Preston as they skated around the rink, talked, laughed, played the games, and were goofy together with Julee until late into the night!  Preston was determined to literally keep skating until his legs would no longer hold him up!  When that finally happened, and Laura and Preston went down together, they called it quits, but sure had a great time doing it. 


1 comment:

  1. You always have such cute pictures!! So fun. Glad there are a still a few roller rinks left!
