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Monday, February 11, 2013

Laura's a little wiser today

Laura had a great completely spoiled by her family!  She got breakfast in bed...pancakes, cool whip, strawberries, and CJ's special eggs!  Yum!  Then she was totally surprised with the fantastic decorating job done by Clayboy!  We had to keep them up for days just to enjoy the ambiance of the room!  Clay gave Laura the best gift ever.... a "day off"  and $100.  This gift included a babysitter, which was hired for the day, and Laura could go and do whatevery she wanted for as long as she wanted!  In Laura's own words it was "magical."  After being gone for a little over 6 hours, Clay asked where did you go? Laura replied, "DI" Clay then asked, "Where else?"  "DI"  "You mean, you spent over 6 hours in DI?"  "Yep, and it was the BEST DAY EVER!!!"  Plus, the day was finished off with a cream cheese pie...perfect day..DONE!


  1. That sounds like the perfect day to me!! Happy Birthday, I'm glad it was an awesome one!

  2. Happy Birthday Laura, your day sounds fabulous. I am so glad you have this blog so I can see what a beautiful family you have!
