We are enjoying our new community here in Liberty Lake. We live right around the corner from Pavillian Park where all sorts of activities, festivals, community events, Friday night movies, sports games and practices, skate park, play equipment & sand pit, etc. take place. We have been to the park to play several times, but Barefoot in the Park was the first "event" we have made it to! It was HOT, really HOT...but we enjoyed playing on the bounce houses, hitting each other in human "ping pong" or whatever you call hitting each other in the big inflated balls, the petting zoo complete with with bunnies, goats, pigs, kittens, and dogs and then we concluded the sweaty fun afternoon with snow cones (really expensive snow cones... don't think I'll be buying those again. They didn't even taste that good..what a waste! I need me some baskin robbins!) and a magic show where Aparri was chosen to help assist in the magic! What a fun place we have moved to! In the words of Annie, "I think I'm gonna like it here!"