Laura LOVES pictures...its kinda "her thing" so when someone smashes the window to our minivan in a Denny's parking, in broad daylight (right after you have been to sea world and taken so many awesome pictures) and steals your brand new camera with all those pictures and so many other pictures from the previous month... it is a VERY SAD DAY. In the midst of the the tragedy, we are trying to remain positive... luckily nothing else was taken but the camera (Clay's wallet and several electronics were right there), no one was hurt, we were able to get the window fixed quickly and continue our vacation, and we do have a few pictures from our phones to help us remember the missing moments. We know agency is part of the plan...but it is so frustrating how some people choose to exercise that agency....ARGHHH! We keep discovering more and more pictures that are GONE forever..... but so far these are the ones that we know of: our day trip to Oasis State Park (April 23), Mother's Day pictures (May 8), Clay taking the kids flying (May 7) CJ's 5th Grade Graduation (May 16), Cops and Kids Basketball (May 14) (Kindergarten Graduation (May 13), Weekend with the Thorups in Abilene, TX (May 21), San Antonio Children's Museum (May 23), and Sea World with the Loveless Family (May 24).
Hey Everyone, we're doing well & keeping busy with flying, family, and school, but mainly just trying to keep up with CJ, Preston, Aparri, Detric & Erica. We hope that you're doing well and that you'll drop us a line and let us know how you're doing. [Clay, Laura, CJ, Preston, Aparri, Detric & Erica]
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Sunday, June 26, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
USS Lexington
We couldn't be just a few hours from the beach and not we headed down to Corpus Christi, TX for a few day to seek out our next adventures. First on our bucket list was the USS Lexington. old Navy Aircraft Carrier that you are able to walk through and tour. Years ago when we came down to Corpus, we had wanted to tour the Lexington, but couldn't because Preston injured his foot right when we got to the this time, we headed straight to the Lexington as soon as we got into Corpus - BEFORE we checked into our hotel just to make sure it happened!
With a family like ours- who LOVES airplanes.... the top deck was a must was full of static aircraft displays that we enjoyed touching, walking past, and sitting in. It wasn't easy to get order to get to the top we had to maneuver up and down steep stairways (and with little kids in tow...that can be quite a task!) Definitely got our work out in plus it was HOT and HUMID!

After seeing the airplanes and gun displays - with which the boys pretended to defend the ship and shoot the enemy! - we were hot and sweaty...and a little disappointed - we had been to the top and the the main level which was a huge "museum" with displays about this and that.....but we really wanted to see what the aircraft carrier was like "back in the day" not an aircraft carrier that is remodeled into a fancy museum about airplanes and other military subjects.... as we were trying hard not to be too disappointed, we happened to see another stairwell that went DOWN...hmm... wonder where that goes! So, down we went ....and out disappointment quickly disappeared when we discovered that the bottom levels where pretty much an underground city within the steel walls replicated just like it was in it's hay day! There was a dentist, barber shop, post office, cafeteria, doctors office, sleeping quarters, etc. it sure was eye opening to see how small the personal quarters were for the occupants!

We searched, discovered, and toured until the bitter end....the kids were getting tried and moving slowly by the end, but we motivated them to move a little faster when we told them it was closing time and we needed to make sure we made it to the top before they locked us in for the night!!! Oh boy, that got them moving alright!!!! Get us out of here!!!
A Loveless Sea World
We found out that a family from Clovis was also going to San Antonio the same time we were! We didn't know each others' schedule, but we thought it would be fun if we saw each other.... Well, as luck would have it as we were driving to Sea World Tuesday morning we get a text from the Loveless Family (Tyrell, Brindee, Landon, Porter, Hattie, Payton, Paisley, and Emery) saying that they were going to be at Sea World that day too! Yipee. We spent the whole day together as a big happy bunch (we have 5 kids and they have 6) yes, we were a BIG happy Bunch! It worked out perfectly - everyone had a buddy, we took turns riding on rides, helped each other with kids, and there was no fighting or crying .... it was perfectly perfect!
We did the rides in the morning where we walked on every ride. No lines! If we wanted to do a ride over and over again...we could and DID! Preston faced his fear of the Great White and CONQUERED IT! He was amazing! He was scared, but he DID IT!

Everyone enjoyed the Atlantis and the family float ride that kept us all wet and cool. Then Laura took a spin with Clayboy on the Steel Eel, and wowzers....Laura didn't like that one AT ALL. Clay and Laura were in the very front car with Brindee and Porter right behind them. As we slowly climbed up and up the first was all fun and games...until we went up and over the peak...and the giant drop loomed in front of us...that front car was frightening...there was nothing between you and the drop. As we continued to go further and further over the peak, we were lifted up out of our seat. Laura started to feel sick as she dangled in the air and prayed that the lap strap that held her in would hold. As the rest of the cars finally went over the peak, the ride "began" but as most of the ride was peaks and valleys, Laura was lifted out of her seat for most of the ride. Oh cheese and crackers...No thank you....Clay laughed at Laura while he kept a firm grip on his phone and videoed Laura's agony through the whole thing! That was it for more rides for her. It took Laura the rest of the day to recover from that one ride. It was a doozy!

Both families packed lunches - so we took a break mid day and ate together outside the park. The afternoon was full of the splash pad and the shows. We got to the shows minutes before they started and got awesome seats. Since, everyone was exhausted it was nice to sit, laugh, and be entertained without having to do much! All the kids did fantastic - even little Erica. We bought a little fan at Babies R Us that was a life saver it kept her nice and cool in her stroller! There was also a nice cloudcover all day that kept us from frying - A little gift from Heaven! We couldn't have asked for a better day than a day with the Loveless Family at Sea World!
As you can see...we are on a road trip heading to San Antonio,TX with a quick stop in Abilene to see the Scott and Megan Thorup Family (Scotty, Megan, Bubba, Lizzy, and Joseph!) The only pictures we have left from this part of the trip are the pictures from our cell phones! As you can see....Clayboy doesn't take very many selfies! He was there....just driving most of the time while Laura entertained the kiddos in the back - they brushed and styled Laura's hair to look like Maleficent, were silly, played, and chatted! While in Abilene, the Thorups spoiled us rotten with yummy food and wonderful hospitality. We did have a lice scare at church, Bubba's head got kissed by CJ's braces (yeah, it cut his forehead pretty good. Apparently as the week progressed, Bubba's head got infected and had to take a trip to the ER because of the swelling!) and Aparri got bitten by a wasp ... and we benefited from that experience for days!!! Aparri was hysterical every time a BUG of any size or shape came close to her especially mosquitos...and I don't mean a small wimper or cry...I mean scream at the top of her lungs and jump around, unconsolable craziness...yeah, that was fun as we checked into the hotel, at the grocery store, in public, in the car, etc. Wowie Zowie....
Lucky CJ
The kids played Cops & Kids Basketball again this year. After spending 3 hours in a gym watching basketball and waiting for each of our 3 older children to have their turn, Clay and Laura were trying to decide if it was worth it....then a stroke of luck. CJ wins the grand IPOD!!! He is super excited and the other kids are all super jealous and are already talking about how they are DEFINITELY playing next year and how then maybe they will win an IPOD too! Clay and Laura already know that there is no way they are going to be able to talk their kids out of playing next year! They are not going to miss this event! Way to go CJ - the big winner!!
Mothers Day 2016
Laura was spoiled on Mothers day...she got breakfast in bed, dinner made, an orchid plant, beach chairs, and a wonderful strawberry cake made by Carol Coleman! Laura really wanted some pictures with the kiddos... so we spend some time in the backyard attempting to get some. We had some really cute pictures of the kids that we unfortunately no longer have...(some criminal in San Antonio now has them.....more on that later!) These are the only mothers day pictures we have....
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