The school year is here again! The summer went by quickly, but with Laura being pregnant and not the fun - always run here and there Mom that she was at the beginning of the summer...I think we were all ready for summer to end and school to begin! CJ is starting the 5th grade with Mrs. Peffer and he is super excited because his good friend Chandler Hickman is in his class this year! Preston is starting the 3rd grade with Mrs. Howard and he has his good friend, Ihob, in his class!! and Aparri was super excited and super ready for school to start....the first day of summer began a count down for when Kindergarten began!!! The day couldn't come fast enough- and to make matters worse - they start Kindergarten 3 days later than the rest of the school...so she had to wait even longer..TORTURE!!! But, when her day did come - she was ready and rolling...no tears from her...Laura on the other hand, kept it together until they got in the car, then Clay looked at her and said, "You Ok?" and she lost it. She cried all the way home - her GIRL is off to school. Clay laughed at Laura's tears and "comforted" her by saying, "You know she will come home tonight, right?" That landed him a nice punch in the arm!!! But, tears were dry as soon as they got home and have been dry ever since...my goodness having only Detric at home all day sure simplified life A WHOLE BUNCH!!! Holy cow!!! This is amazing. I think Detric is enjoying having full reign of the roost while the kids are at school! Happy School Year Everyone...