There is no doubt about it...this tire is completely flat...how we drove from our house in Liberty Lake to Airway heights is a miracle. We had left a little late for swimming lessons - so we were in a rush and didn't have time to check the tires when the light flashed on as soon as we started driving. Laura assumed that the air was a little low because the morning temperature was a bit cooler than it had been - and the low tire pressure light usually came on with the change of weather. So Laura didn't think too much of it...her only thought was... lets get to swimming lessons and then I'll put a little air into the tire. The drive on I90 went pretty smoothly...no abnormal sounds, went normal speed, nothing that brought concern. Well, as we exited the freeway in Airway Heights, Laura knew something wasn't right. There was a funny noise....and when we continued to slow down the noise got worse. Luckily we made it to Les Schwab where a man came running out to meet us. I think he either saw or heard us coming. His words, "wow...that's a flat" you're lucky you made it here. Yep, 5 kids and a flat tire is never fun, but Les Schwab was amazing and took really good care of us - popcorn, fixed tire, and a great price tag... FREE!!! Sure, we missed swimming lessons, and had to run a few extra errands (get a new tire at discount tires...these were practically brand new tires!), but we are safe, not stranded, and got where we needed to the right people who were able to help us and fix the flat. Whew! What a day. Thank you angels on the other side of the veil who literally carried my car for me today. Your deeds did not go un noticed...we said many prayers of gratitude today for miracles that keep us safe.